Rep. Thaddeus McCotter's blog

McCotter on Fox Business: "Working People Matter" and Automaker Bankruptcy Will Only Hurt

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

McCotter on Fox News Fighting for Autos, Decrying Bankruptcy as an Option

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...


McCotter Questions Chairman Bernanke on Auto Industry Discrimination in Lending Program

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Rep. Thaddeus McCotter interviewed by Chuck Todd on stimulus bill and bi-partisanship.

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R- MI) Delivers the House GOP Radio Address

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

The Democrats' Trillion Dollar fiscal obscenity

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

The Democrats' Trillion Dollar fiscal obscenity: read about Harry Reid's $8 billion "sin express" from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.

Greg from Milford: Why this trillion dollar stimulus bill will do more harm than good to families like mine.

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Dear Congressman McCotter,

I spoke with you on WJR Friday morning and want to thank you for your kindness and patience. I couldn’t get out everything I wanted to say because of my frustration. I would love to talk before Congress and the Senate. I would like to talk to them about the deplorable, reprehensible, and egregious waste they are considering with our tax dollars. I’m sorry this is long, but I want them to see what I see.

The wasteful spending they are considering is unconscionable to me. And I would like to ask them a few questions.

McCotter on MSNBC Defending GOP Stimulus Alternative Plan That Will Actually Help Americans

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

McCotter grills Chairman Bernanke at Financial Services Committee Hearing

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Chairman McCotter blog post on Red State

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Unable to defend the trillion dollar fiscal obscenity they deceitfully christened the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, hypocritical House Democrats are attacking the bill’s opponents – well, just the Republican ones.

"As Safe as in Your Mother’s Womb"?

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

In my youth, there was a phrase people used to express the where, in an oft too brutal world, a human being was the most secure:


"You are as safe as in your mother’s womb."


Today, in our coarsened culture, we no longer hear the phrase.


This coarsening exponentially accelerated on January 22, 1973, when seven members of the United States Supreme Court willfully and without legal precedent created a constitutional right to abortion.  By denying an unborn child’s God-given right to life, Roe v. Wade ended the legal protections of unborn children and, unconscionably, their lives.


“C-List” Casting Call: Will Hollywood Conservatives Come Out to Play?

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...
Check out my post on Andrew Breitbart's new blog, Big Hollywood!

Applauding the Use of TARP Funds for the Auto Bridge Loan

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Today, President Bush announced this short term bridge loan to prevent the bankruptcy of the domestic auto industry; the devastation of working families; and the depression of the American economy.  I sincerely thank him for his decisive action in this dire time for our community and the auto industry.


Yet while momentarily relieved from the immediate onus of uncertainty regarding their futures, working families in Michigan and America will not be celebrating.  We know full well the painful auto industry restructuring we have endured for years will continue in the days, months and, yes, years to come.  


Now, Seize Freedom!

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Welcome to "Republican Rock Bottom."

Possessed of no vision, no principle, no purpose, and no appeal, we deserved our fate.

Now, seize freedom!

Finally, we are divorced from self-deceits. Dead is the self-indulgent imbecility of "re-branding" -- as if the Republican Party was a corporate product to be repackaged, not a transformational political movement to be led. Despite what the media will tell you, and what so-called "conservative leaders" will discuss ad nauseam during "secret" meetings, this situation is not a crisis. It is an opportunity. Today, we are as the Great Emancipator proclaimed during another time of national trial: unbound by the tired dogmas of the past; and free to think and act anew.

Defeat of Wall Street Bailout Legislation

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

The voice of the Main Street has been heeded and obeyed by Congress.  Americans said ‘No!’ to the Paulson bailout.  Now, let our work commence in earnest and prudence on behalf of the American people.

In this time of economic difficulty and uncertainty, the people never panicked.  Neither should their elected servants.  It is time for the President of the United States to:

Floor Speech on the Economic Crisis

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...
    Mr. McCOTTER. I thank the gentleman from New Jersey for yielding. I also wish to take this moment to thank him for his strength of character and his depth of intellect and leadership on this issue.

   It has been said if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. Unfortunately, we find ourselves in such a situation, as America finds itself amidst a potential economic meltdown of its financial sector.

Opposing Paulson Plan, Outlining Alternative

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

Dear Fellow Republicans,


We were not elected to abet American socialism.


I am opposing the Bush administration’s taxpayer funded, trillion dollar Wall Street bailout; and, alternatively, proposing a pro-taxpayer, free market, private recapitalization plan for the banking system; ending financial chaos; and preventing the advent of Wall Street Socialism.


Drawn from the ideas of the public and our members, this proposal is premised upon the following principle:  Our prosperity is from the private sector not the public sector.


True, some will still assert the adminstration’s support of Wall Street’s leveraged bailout at taxpayers’ expense is the only answer to this crisis of confidence.


The Financial Crisis

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

We are working in a crisis atmosphere of historic proportions.  We must stay objective and analytical to accomplish what's in the best interest of the American people; and we must stay focused, because this crisis compels a tight legislative deadline.

The No Adjournment Without Energy Legislation Resolution

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...

The United States Congress has a duty to pass commonsense energy legislation which eases Americans' pain at the pump.  According to recent polls, 61% of Americans support lifting the ban on offshore drilling in an environmentally sound manner.  Likewise, the American people have consistently supported extending renewable energy tax credits, expanding research and development into alternative fuels, vehicles, and clean coal technologies.  Yet, the Democrat majority leadership continues to put the cries of Americans aside and has only scheduled 14 session days in 5 months.  The American people must be heard.

Click here to read the No Adjournment Without Energy Legislation Resolution!

Obama Live in Denver: The Song Remains the Same

Submitted by Rep. Thaddeus M...
Like every other over-hyped liberal pop phenom of the past forty years who covered their party’s stale classics, Obama! Live! (In Denver!) proves this nominee and his Democrats’ song remains the same.
Promising to change everything but his party’s moribund ideology, Grammy Award winner Barack Obama’s pyrotechnic licks couldn’t sweeten his song’s sour chorus of leftist tripe:  namely, America is going down the dumper; Republicans are holding the plunger; and, to save you from yourself, Americans need a nanny state.