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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Brad Dayspring
RSC Prevents American Troops & Veterans From Being Used as Political Pawns for Reckless Spending

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RSC Prevents American Troops & Veterans From Being Used as Political Pawns for Reckless Spending

Washington, D.C. , May 15, 2008 -

Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, and Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) today issued the following statements after House Republicans successfully prevented the Democrat Majority from using  American servicemen and women serving in the field as a vehicle for additional spending and a tax increase:


“The priorities of the two parties couldn’t be more apparent.  Within a matter of minutes, Democrats voted AGAINST providing funds for our troops in harms way and FOR huge spending and tax increases.   They tried to play politics with our troops and we were not going to stand for it.

“Thanks to a strong Republican effort, led by Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN), Democrats were unable to ram a massive tax increase and new entitlement spending through the system on the backs of American servicemen and women.  

 “I believe that some update of the current GI benefit is necessary to account for the accelerating cost of higher education resulting from years of sustained increases in federal student loan subsidies.  However, it is paramount to pass a bill that will not adversely impact our nation’s ability to maintain an all-volunteer military force or create jobs, and that any entitlement expansion is paid for with appropriate offsets.  I will be introducing an alternative next week to both increase the GI benefit and fully offset its cost.  

“In order to provide for our nation’s veterans now and in the future without raising taxes, we can enact common-sense reform to better align the federal employee retirement benefit package to that offered to private sector employees.  Unfortunately, the legislation offered today was bad for veterans and bad for America.  We can do better, and I urge you to join me next week in introducing a better solution.” 


“Republicans support our troops. Democrats defeated funding our troops in the field. Democrats attempted to pile billions of dollars in domestic spending and tax increases on the backs of our troops and Republicans wouldn't go along with it.”


Congressman Tom Price is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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