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Patrick Murphy Announces Cancer Research Grant for Local Biotech Company Print E-mail
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Doylestown-based Toph Biologicals will use $194,000 research grant to improve early detection methods for liver cancer

(Doylestown, PA) – Today, Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-8th District) announced that Toph Biologicals won a $194,000 competitive grant from the National Cancer Institute to improve early detection methods for liver cancer and liver disease. Toph Biologicals is part of the growing hub of biotechnology firms located at Doylestown’s Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center.

The company will use the grant money to continue their work developing better ways to detect cancerous cells through the use of molecular tools called “lectibodies.” These tools are extremely sensitive and can do a better job detecting cancer proteins than current methods.

“Bucks County’s biotech companies are leading the way forward in developing life-saving technologies and providing good jobs for our well-qualified workforce,” said Murphy.  

“Patrick Murphy’s continued interest in the PA Biotech Center helps make it one of the most successful places in developing new technologies,” said Michael Ciocci, Ph.D., Toph Biologics’ lead scientist on the project. “This competitive grant will help us continue our cancer research and grow the company.”

Dr. Ciocci is an expert in cancer diagnostic development and came to the PA Biotech Center to start Toph Biologics.

Congressman Murphy has worked closely with the founder and head of the PA Biotech Center, Dr. Tim Block, to support the facility and help attract new businesses. The facility has grown from a handful of nascent biotech companies to a ten acre, 100,000 square foot research complex. It is considered one of the most significant research centers in Pennsylvania and is home to cutting-edge firms that are researching how to fight infectious diseases, seeking cures for epilepsy and Lou Gehrig’s disease, and working to improve our health.

About the Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center

The Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center is a nonprofit research organization created by the Hepatitis B Foundation in partnership with Delaware Valley College and dedicated to the creation of a world-class biotechnology center; to the promotion of regional economic development and job creation; and to the education and training of tomorrow’s researchers. For more information, visit www.pabiotechbc.org.

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  For Immediate Release, August 19, 2010
Contact, Sara Schaumburg, (202) 225-4276