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Patrick Murphy Announces Help for Bucks County Schools, Students and Families Print E-mail
Tuesday, 03 February 2009
Stimulus Package Includes Millions for Title 1, IDEA, Head Start and Pell Grants for Bucks County Schools – Could Prevent Property Tax Increases, School Cuts, Layoffs

Much-Needed Help for Bucks County Schools:
$1.6 Million
         Title 1-A Increase Total For 2009
$11 Million           IDEA Increase Total for 2009
$1.6 Million          Title 1-A Increase Total For 2010
$12.7 Million        IDEA Increase Total for 2010

*These are Projected Estimates Based on Pre-Existing Formulas and Will Benefit School Districts from Bensalem to Quakertown

(Bristol, PA) – Today, Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-8th District) announced much-needed relief for Bucks County schools. Rep. Murphy stood with teachers and students at Truman High School in Bristol to announce his support for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan (ARRP). This bill was passed yesterday by the House and puts local schools on the path to receive additional funds to avoid cutbacks in our damaged economy. The money from this bill will also go toward preventing teacher layoffs, classroom size increases and hopefully toward preventing an unfair increase in property taxes for Bucks County families. This legislation is designed to stimulate the economy through swift, bold action to help families and businesses struggling in our troubled economy. The ARRP will send much needed funds to Pennsylvania schools. The bill includes over $520 million for Title 1, nearly $500 million for education for students with disabilities (IDEA) and more than $22 million for Head Start in Pennsylvania. The ARRP will also make college more affordable through tax credits for up to $2,500 per year of school and increasing the Pell Grant by $500.

“Families are struggling, workers are losing their jobs and we stand here today to say that we will not sacrifice our children’s education – even in the face of the worst economy in generations,” said Congressman Patrick Murphy. “Yesterday, I voted in the House of Representatives to continue to prepare our students for the future and to keep schools from cutting programs, laying off teachers, dramatically growing class sizes or raising property taxes unfairly. I voted to take urgent and bold action on behalf of Pennsylvania schools, students, teachers and families.”

“It was an honor to have the opportunity to thank Congressman Murphy for voting for the stimulus plan. I feel strongly that it is the solution to our short and long term needs. Knowing that people like him are protecting the interests of our most vulnerable citizens, children, makes me proud to live here in Bucks County,” said Pam Duffy – a Bucks County parent.

Education for the 21st Century: We will enable students of all ages to learn in 21st century classrooms, labs, and libraries to help our students compete with any worker in the world.

Job Creation: The recovery package is the first crucial step in a concerted effort to create and save 3 to 4 million jobs, jumpstart our economy, and transform it for the 21st century.

Tax Cuts to Make Work Pay and Create Jobs: We will provide direct tax relief to 95 percent of American workers, as President-elect Obama pledged, and spur investment and job growth for American businesses. This includes $275 billion in tax cuts for individuals and job-creating businesses.

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For Immediate Release, January 29, 2009
Contact: Adam Abrams, (202) 225-4276