Contact: Anjulen Anderson 202-225-5330

Bono Mack: Reaffirming Commitment to Salton Sea

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Washington, Sep 7 -

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) addressed a letter to Governor Schwarzenegger in response to the passage of Senate Bill 51 by the California State Legislature, establishing the Salton Sea Restoration Council as a state agency.  In the Congresswoman’s letter to the Governor she reaffirms her commitment to revitalize the Salton Sea and states that the creation of the Salton Sea Restoration Council should begin the next phase of the state’s involvement and commitment--not another bureaucratic hurdle for solutions to clear. 

“The State has an obligation to work to restore the Sea and I implore you to use your leadership to embrace this opportunity and take action. I stand ready and committed at the federal level to work with you,” stated Bono Mack.

Throughout the Congresswoman’s service in Congress, restoring the Salton Sea has been one of her top issues.  As Chair of the Congressional Salton Sea Task Force, Congresswoman Bono Mack met regularly with the Salton Sea Authority, Army Corps of Engineers, State of California, Bureau of Reclamation, and United States Geological Survey in finding solutions.  In 2008, Congresswoman Bono Mack joined with Senator Boxer in securing $30 million in approved funding for restoration pilot programs of the Salton Sea. 


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