Contact: Anjulen Anderson

Bono Mack: Americans Need Solutions that Create Jobs and Boost our Economy

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Washington, Jan 29 - Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) today responded to the President’s jobs plan outlined today and emphasized her support for solutions that will create jobs and bring fiscal discipline to Washington:

“With unemployment at 10 percent nationally and over 14 percent in Riverside County, it is clear that the Administration and Congress must act on real solutions that will get Americans working again,” said Bono Mack. “I welcome this renewed focus on the economy and job creation - the $1 trillion stimulus package, with its waste and focus on government spending, has fallen far short of America's expectations and has not produced the jobs Americans so desperately need.

“Today was an opportunity for House Republicans to once again let the President know that we need solutions that will help our businesses thrive and create new jobs, without raising taxes or increasing the size of government. We don't need more good talking points or political gimmicks - we need jobs and a strengthened economy.

“It is my hope that this marks a new beginning in which the Congressional Majority considers bipartisan input, instead of continuing its dogmatic, closed door approach that focuses on bigger government rather than the American people. Higher taxes, more uncertainty, pork-barrel spending and burdensome regulations on our businesses will only perpetuate a stifled economy.

“We need pro-growth policies that will create jobs and bring fiscal discipline to Washington now. America cannot afford the reckless, big government solutions we've seen from Congressional Democrats over the last year. Washington can and must do better.”

Joining her Republican colleagues, Bono Mack offered her support for provisions that will lower taxes, create jobs now and expand access to quality, affordable health care. Included among the provisions Bono Mack has supported are:

 A fiscally responsible budget (H. Con. Res. 85) that spends $4.8 trillion less than Democrats’ budget over ten years; reduces debt; and lowers, not increases, taxes, helping America’s businesses grow and create jobs.

 Lower taxes, including eliminating the estate tax (H.R. 205), and no automatic tax increases until unemployment is reduced to less than five percent;

 A responsible health care plan (H.R. 3970) that expands health care coverage, reduces costs, and protects the doctor-patient relationship, ensuring better care and coverage for Americans.

 Medical liability reform (H.R. 1086) that will lower exploding health care costs.

 A comprehensive approach to ensuring America’s energy independence, increasing domestic production of energy, expanding alternative sources of energy, creating new green jobs for American workers, and helping promote a cleaner environment.


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