Contact: Anjulen Anderson

Bono Mack Praises Acceleration of Local Solar Energy Projects

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Washington, Nov 6, 2009 - Emphasizing the importance of expanding and diversifying America’s energy supply, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) today praised the fast tracking of two local solar energy projects. These projects will produce almost 1,500 megawatts of clean energy and will create new jobs and opportunities in Riverside County.

“Harnessing the power of the sun will play an integral role in our nation’s energy security and independence, and I am pleased that our region is playing a pivotal part in advancing clean energy technologies and helping build our nation’s energy future,” said Bono Mack.

“Fast tracking these two solar energy projects will bring more clean energy online for local residents, while also offering new jobs and opportunities for local residents. This is good news for our community and for our entire region.”

Bono Mack notes that the Solar Millennium Projects (Palen and Blythe) were identified as “fast tracked” projects by the Department of the Interior, as they have demonstrated sufficient progress to formally start the environmental review and public participation process. Furthermore, these projects are far enough in the permitting process that they could potentially be cleared for approval by December 2010.


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