For Immediate Release: 
July 22, 2010

Katie Grant
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Statement on House Democrats' "Make it in America" Agenda

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) joined Democratic Members today for a news conference to announce House Democrats’ “Make it in America” agenda.  Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery:
“For generations, Americans have looked to our manufacturing sector as a source of pride, a source of economic vitality, and a source of good-paying jobs.  Manufacturing has taken a severe hit from the recession—but more than that, many Americans worry that industry and the jobs it provides are gone for good.  Democrats are fighting to change that—and we’re doing so by launching the Make it in America agenda.
“This agenda will create incentives for investment in domestic manufacturing, strengthen manufacturing infrastructure and innovation, and help to level the playing field for American companies so they can successfully compete globally.
“We have already passed two bills this week as part of that agenda, and we will build on that with additional bills next week and throughout the Fall.  We are looking at a number of bills, but we expect at least three bills to come to the House Floor next week:
“The National Manufacturing Strategy Act, from Rep. Lipinski, which will direct the President to create a manufacturing strategy for the nation every four years.
“The End the Trade Deficit Act, from Rep. DeFazio, which will create a commission to develop strategies for reducing the trade deficit.
“The Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act, from Rep. Matsui, which will ensure that clean energy technology firms have the information and assistance they need to be competitive at home and abroad.
“We'll also likely bring to the Floor a bill that will prevent outsourcing and create infrastructure jobs.
“These bills are just a start—more are to come, and many other Members have put forth ideas that can contribute to a manufacturing revival.
“All of our constituents can benefit from stronger manufacturing and the secure jobs it provides. So I hope that the Make it in America agenda will win support from both parties. When more goods are made in America, more middle-class families will be able to make it in America, too.”
For more information on the Make it in America agenda, click here.
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