Tame the Tax Man

Submitted by Rep. Phil English

Situation: Big Government’s Soak and Bloat Scheme

Today, under the Industrial Era’s progressive income tax a full 50% of the lowest earning tax filers provide 3.5% of federal tax revenues. Soon, most Americans will deem increased taxes and spending as a bargain, if not a boon.

This doesn’t bother the Left, who regard taxpayers as the government’s ATM. Liberals scheme to soak your family budget and bloat the federal budget, because they crave control over Americans’ economic decisions. If nothing is done, liberals will replace free enterprise and property rights with envy and wealth redistribution as the basis of our economy.

Solution: Tame the Taxman

We must reaffirm that economic growth comes from reducing taxes to expand the private sector, not from raising taxes to expand the public sector. The best way to prevent bigger government and promote our economy is to tame the Taxman:

* Enact and/or make permanent tax relief, including the elimination of the Alternative Minimum Tax and the Death Tax; a reduction of the marriage tax penalty; an expanded child tax credit; a reduced corporate tax rate, capital gains rate, dividends rate, and the sales tax deduction
* Put Dynamic Scoring into Congressional Budget Office Projections
* Implement a taxpayers’ bill of rights
* Simplify the federal tax code
* Abolish the redistributionist and outdated progressive federal income tax and adopt a more just and prosperous system immune to political abuse and socialist demagoguery

Restoration: Our Destiny, Our Hands

Excessive taxation ignited our free republic’s revolutionary experiment in self-government. Our Founding Generation knew people had the inherent right to keep their hard-earned money and property. This right ensures individuals are the masters of their decisions and destinies. Our Global Generation must not squander this legacy of liberty and prosperity by consenting to higher taxation for bigger government.

Our family budgets and national prosperity will expand thorough dynamic gains in creativity and productivity. Our liberty will be protected from big government’s soak and bloat scheme. And, prying the Taxman’s fingers from our wallets, our destiny will remain in our hands.