Advance Economic Freedom

Submitted by Rep. Shelley Mo...

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Situation: Hell Awaits Us beneath Big Government

Americans’ economic freedom is founded upon four pillars of prosperity:
* Free People
* Free Markets
* Free Enterprise
* Private Property

These pillars of prosperity empower Americans to pursue happiness within their families, communities and our country. We must defend these pillars of prosperity against big government’s seductive calls to exchange our private property for state benefits.

During the Age of Industrialization, President Theodore Roosevelt urged Americans to reject this siren song: “The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.”

During our Age of Globalization, these temptations are no less seductive and dangerous; and we, too, face a stark choice: economic prosperity or economic servility.

We have no choice. We must advance economic freedom.


Solution: Advance Economic Freedom

To advance economic freedom, we must:

* Promote tax relief
* Cut government spending
* Repeal uncompetitive laws that destroy prosperity and kill jobs, notably in the areas of small business and manufacturing
* End bureaucratic fiats and regulatory red-tape
* Protect private property rights
* Attract and secure private financial capital to our shores
* Expand trade with free nations
* Promote financial literacy to foster an entrepreneurial culture based upon free people, free enterprise, and free markets, and
* Create a less contentious and more collaborative relationships amongst employers and employees

Restoration: Expand Prosperity and Pursue Happiness

America is a country – a delicate mosaic of honest, hard working, and loving people pursuing their dreams. From their brows falls the salt of our earth; from their hands springs American prosperity. Be it for the Industrialization Generation or our Global Generation, advancing economic freedom empowers the majestic American people to expand prosperity and pursue happiness; and to show the world what a free people can economically achieve.