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    Dec 1 2005 - Slaughter Announces $223,673 HUD Grant for D

    Slaughter Announces $223,673 HUD Grant for D'Youville College in Buffalo

    Funding Will Support Restoration of a Local Landmark


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, is pleased to announce that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded D'Youville College in Buffalo with a Special Project Grant worth $223,673. The funding will be used for renovation of the Koessler Administration Building, the oldest building on D'Youville's campus and a historical landmark in western Buffalo.


    "This is an important grant for an important cause," Rep. Slaughter said. "D'Youville College has been educating young people from Buffalo and beyond for generations. Through generous grants such as these, HUD has recognized D'Youville's investment in our region's future by making an investment of its own," she added.


    "This substantial grant will do much for the restoration of the most historic building on D'Youville's campus, and in the process, for the City of Buffalo," said John Bray, Director of Public Relations at D'Youville.


    The Koessler Administration Building, constructed at the end of the 19th century, houses the offices of D'Youville's President and other central administration officials.


    The grant is one of many HUD grants designed to assist local officials, non-profit and faith-based organizations, advocates, and industry groups working to create affordable housing and to improve the quality of life of individuals throughout the United States.

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