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    Nov 9 2005 - Reps. Slaughter, Reynolds, Walsh and Kuhl Announce $1,000,000 for University of Rochest

    Reps. Slaughter, Reynolds, Walsh and Kuhl Announce $1,000,000 for University of Rochester Cancer Center

    Funding Will Support Cancer Research, Care Facility, and Related Programs


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, today joined Representatives Tom Reynolds (R-NY-26), Jim Walsh (R-NY-25), and John Kuhl (R-NY-29) in announcing that the University of Rochester's Cancer Center will receive $1,000,000 as part of the FY 2006 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill.


    The funding will support UR's comprehensive cancer research and care facility, and help expand clinical care programs, cancer research programs that include translational studies and clinical trials, medical education, ambulatory care and administration.


    "I am so pleased that my New York colleagues and I were able to secure this funding for what is one of our region's most valuable institutions," Rep. Slaughter said. "Saving lives is the business of the Cancer Center, and theirs is a venture which we should be proud and eager to support in any way we can," she added.


    "The Wilmot Cancer Center is on the cutting edge of medical research, able to utilize a number of innovative technologies for research and experimentation," said Congressman Tom Reynolds (R-Clarence).  "The center has been and will continue to be a valuable resource for us as we work to find a cure for cancer.  As the cancer center continues to grow so too will the job opportunities available in the Rochester," he added.  


    "This is great news for the University of Rochester and residents of Western New York who will benefit from the treatment, education and training at the Wilmot Cancer Center," stated Rep. Kuhl.  "This is a good example of the positive results we get when the Monroe delegation works together on federal funding projects," he added.


    "I am glad to be part of a team effort with my upstate New York colleagues to secure this funding for the Wilmont Cancer Center," commented Rep. Walsh. "These monies will enable the Center to continue to take advantage of its state-of-the-art expertise in medical research to further the growth and development of their comprehensive cancer research and care facility."


    To learn more about the University of Rochester's Cancer Center, click here.

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