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    Nov 9 05 - Slaughter Recipient of Two Awards

    Slaughter Recipient of Two Awards

    Congresswoman Praised for Her Distinguished Career in Public Service


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, was recently honored by both the University of Kentucky and the Alliance of New York State Arts Organizations. Rep. Slaughter received the Arts Advocate Award from the Alliance of New York State Arts Organizations for her tireless support of the arts. The Alliance, now in its 30th year, is a statewide agency providing essential services to empower New York State arts and cultural organizations.


    "The wide array of services offered by the Alliance is critical to the flourishing arts environment in New York," said Rep. Slaughter. "I'm proud to stand beside such dedicated proponents of the art community.


    Previously, Rep. Slaughter had visited her alma mater where she was inducted into the University of Kentucky's College of Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame. At the event, Ms. Slaughter, was honored for her numerous accomplishments since graduating from UK.


    "I am deeply touched that the University of Kentucky has found me worthy of this award," Rep. Slaughter said. "I owe this great institution so much, and I will never forget what it gave to me: the gift that is a wonderful education."

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