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    Nov 4 2005 - Slaughter Announces $35,000 CPB Grant to Rochester

    Slaughter Announces $35,000 CPB Grant to Rochester's WXXI for Literacy Programs


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, is pleased to announce that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has awarded a $35,000 grant to Rochester's WXXI. The funding will be used to further the station's early childhood literacy programs.


    "Literacy is the foundation upon which a life of learning and achievement is build," Rep. Slaughter said. "By supporting the efforts of dedicated organizations like WXXI, we are making a fundamental and long-term investment in the futures of our children," she added.


    WXXI has been a leader in the early literacy community, and has made significant investments in technology to train early childhood and literacy educators and caregivers, and to provide them with on-air and online professional development tools.


    "We greatly appreciate Rep. Slaughter's help in obtaining this grant," said Norm Silverstein, President of WXXI. "It will enhance our ability to partner with early childhood agencies to better improve literacy and school readiness, while also meeting other critical education needs in the community and region."




    This grant is part of Ready To Lead in Literacy, a new CPS initiative designed to strengthen early childhood literacy efforts. The program is a three-year limited funding initiative by CPB geared toward increasing the literacy of children. Under the grant, public television stations, utilizing the latest and most successful techniques and materials, including those aligned with the Department of Education's "Ready to Learn" program, will work with and develop community support for expanded literacy activities.


    For more information on the Ready to Learn program, click here.

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