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    Oct 18 2005 - Slaughter Responds to Delphi Bankruptcy

    Slaughter Responds to Delphi Bankruptcy

    Joins Congressional Coalition to Protect Workers, Retirees, and Manufacturing Base


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, released this statement Monday in response to Delphi's announcement that it had filed for Chapter 11 protection. The company, which has facilities in Lockport and Rochester, New York, had employed over 6,100 local workers and is the world's leading auto parts producer.


    "I am both saddened and angry by what has happened to Delphi. I want to ensure all of its current and former employees that I am fully committed to working with the company and with employee and worker representatives to protect the healthcare coverage and pensions of retirees. We'll also do everything possible to ensure that a fair and transparent bankruptcy process occurs."


    "We all want Delphi to come out of this bankruptcy and reorganization period intact. We also want to encourage established local manufacturers to maintain facilities they have built in Western New York, and at the same time, promote the birth of new regional industries. Our highly skilled workforce, the easily available and low cost power generated by the New York Power Authority and the ready access to the world's largest supply of fresh water are just a few of the many incentives our region offers to any business considering opening up shop here." 


    "But as we move forward with the immediate challenges before us, we need to also understand the broader circumstances surrounding the troubles facing this and so many American businesses. Only then can we help them to regain their footing as industry leaders and providers of quality jobs for working Americans."


    "And part of our focus must fall on the free-trade policies which are affecting business nationwide. To take just one example, one relevant to what we see before us today, since NAFTA was signed into law in 2000, the United States has doubled the number of auto parts it imports from Mexico every year. The standard of living for thousands of American workers has suffered as a result."


    "It won't be easy, but we need to revisit the free-trade laws which have devastated our manufacturing base."


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