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    Sept 21 2005 - Slaughter Announces $3,500,000 in Federal Grants for Lead Programs in Erie County

    Slaughter Announces $3,500,000 in Federal Grants for Lead Programs in Erie County

    Funding Will Support Programs Dealing with Environmental Dangers of Lead


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, is pleased to announce the Lead Outreach Program, administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, has awarded two grants to Erie County totaling $3,500,000 to further eliminate environmental dangers caused by lead.


    The funding will be used to increase the number of employees at lead hazard control treatment programs, to encourage citizens to identify potential hazards caused by lead paint, to raise awareness of prevention and treatment for lead poisoning, and to eliminate lead-based paint hazards from low-income endangered homes.


    "Far too many people remain unaware of the dangers caused by lead in their environment," Rep. Slaughter said. "But just because they don't know about the danger doesn't mean they're not being harmed. We need to educate and protect our citizens from environmental dangers related to lead, and that's what this generous funding will help us to do," she added.


    Activities supported by the Program's grant will include publicizing or conducting events highlighting lead hazards in the home environment, as well as available lead hazard reduction programs. Job training and employment for local residents and businesses in lead-reduction activities will be increased. Materials focused on dangers caused by lead will be developed and distributed to at-risk populations, and local residents and businesses will be trained to identifying potential lead-based paint hazards. Lead-safe work practices will also be integrated into housing maintenance, repair, weatherization, rehabilitation, and other activities, so that healthy environments can be preserved long after the grant period ends.

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