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    Sept 13 2005 - Rep. Slaughter Announces $150,000 in Federal Grants to Area Projects

    Rep. Slaughter Announces $150,000 in Federal Grants to Area Projects

    Grants will Support Community Food and Nutrition Program and
    Street Outreach Program for Runaway and Homeless Youth


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, is pleased to announce $150,000 in Federal Grants to local area programs.


    The Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Children and Families has awarded $100,000 to the Hillside Children's Center of Monroe County. The funding will be used to pay for a Street Outreach Program for Runaway and Homeless Youth. 


    "I am delighted to announce this grant for such an essential program," Rep. Slaughter said. "Runaway and homeless youth are too often overlooked by our system, and are frequently victims of abuse and sexual exploitation," she added. "It's critical that the Hillside Children's Center continue providing for their needs and safety."


    The Street Outreach Service of the Hillside Children's Center provides homeless and runaway youth with fundamentals such as food and clothing.  The program also works to secure them housing, assist in crisis intervention and give the youth information about healthcare and other community shelter programs, with the goal of helping them survive on the streets and find a better living situation whenever possible.


    Rep. Slaughter is also pleased to announce that HOPE Initiatives, CDC has received a $50,000 grant from the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Community Services.  The funding will be used to pay for a Community Food and Nutrition project.


    "Good nutrition is crucial if we are going to keep our community healthy," Rep. Slaughter said. She continued, "I am pleased that a group so committed to educating people about their eating habits will be able to expand their program with this money."


    The grant will allow HOPE Initiatives, CDC to expand their "Compassion Coalition" of 42 churches, which already provides food and clothing to people in need, adding a "Good Neighborhood Nurses" program.  These nurses will go out with church teams every weekend to give Rochester residents information on nutrition and eating habits.

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