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    July 7, 2005 - Rep. Slaughter Celebrates $16.9 Million Grant for Hauptman-Woodward...

    Rep. Slaughter Celebrates $16.9 Million Grant for Hauptman-Woodward
    Grant Will Support Research at Hauptman-Woodward's Medical Center

    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, joined with other government officials and Hauptman-Woodward executives to announce the National Institutes of Health $16.9 grant that will be used to fund research at Hauptman-Woodward's Center for High-Throughput Structural Biology.


    Hauptman-Woodward is an important medical research institute not only to Western New York but to the wider scientific community.  The center's scientists and researchers are dedicated to studying the causes, development, and the possible cures of many diseases on the molecular level.


    Also attending the press conference was Dr. Herbert Hauptman, President of the Hauptman-Woodward Institute, renowned scientist, and Nobel Laureate.


    Rep. Slaughter stated, "This is just a great opportunity for Hauptman-Woodward to advance the possibility of new cures and better treatments for people suffering from debilitating diseases around the world."


    She also noted, "The House approved the smallest increase in funding to the NIH this fiscal year than in the past 36 years.  This is not a time to falter or move backwards in the fields of science, health, and medical technology."


    "I want to congratulate Hauptman-Woodward on receiving this funding," Slaughter continued, "and I want to re-affirm my conviction that our nation must stay on the forefront of medical science and that government funding for groundbreaking medical research should receive no less than the full support of our Congress."

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