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    July 1 2005 - Slaughter Responds to Retirement ...

    Slaughter Responds to Retirement
    of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

    Co-Chair of Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus Responds


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee and Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, released the following statement regarding this morning's announcement that United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor will be retiring upon the confirmation of her replacement.


    "With the retirement of Sandra Day O'Connor, the Supreme Court of the United States has lost a fine justice and a strong proponent of fairness and reason.  America will long remember her distinguished career and her legacy as the first woman to ever sit on the bench of the Supreme Court.


    When selecting a replacement for Justice O'Connor, it is of vital importance that the President remembers the principles she upheld for so long. She was a tireless protector of individual privacy rights and a woman's right to choose. 


    Year after year, Justice O'Connor was the crucial swing vote to protect those values and she will be missed greatly.


    It is my hope that the President will weigh these values and the balance Justice O'Connor brought to the bench when he makes his nomination for her replacement.


    Justice O'Connor has our best wishes on her retirement."

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