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    June 1 2005, Rep. Slaughter Increases National Arts and Humanities Funding by $15 Million

    Rep. Slaughter Increases National Arts and Humanities Funding by $15 Million

    Means More Available Funding for Rochester

    Rochester Awarded $1.6 Million in National Arts and Humanities Funding Since ‘04


    Rochester, NY - This morning, Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter was joined by leaders from the Rochester arts community at the George Eastman House to announce that the House of Representatives approved Ms. Slaughter's NEA/NEH amendment (known as the Slaughter/Shays/Dicks/ Leach/Price Amendment) to the Interior and Environmental Bill which passed two weeks ago.


    The amendment provides an increase of $10 million for the National Endowment for the Arts and $5 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities.  While the amendment increases funding for the arts on the national level, the City of Rochester will be eligible to compete more funds for their arts programs.  Since 2004, the local Rochester arts and humanities community has been awarded $1.6 million in National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities grant funding. 


    "I am extremely pleased this money was able to be secured to help fund the arts which have such an important role in our communities," said Slaughter.  "The incredible collection of world-class artists and arts institutions here are our local treasure - why we residents feel so blessed to call this city home."


    Notable funding which has been awarded locally in the past 2 years by the NEA and NEH include: $715,000 to the Rochester Institute of Technology, $40,000 to the Rochester Museum and Science Center, $615,000 to the George Eastman House, and $65,000 for the Rochester City School District.  These and other funds that will benefit the city of Rochester would be unavailable if not for Rep. Slaughter's tireless efforts as Democratic Co-chair for the Congressional Arts Caucus.


    "This funding will result in new works of art and older works preserved, more performances and exhibitions, more minds enlightened, and more children inspired and taught," stated Slaughter.  "And all the while, more small businesses profiting, more jobs created, and more tax receipts to our local treasury - a win-win for the city and for the citizens of Rochester."


    For over ten years Slaughter has been the leading advocate in Congress for increasing Arts and Humanities funding across the nation.  She continually reminds legislators what an economic powerhouse the non-profit arts industry has become -- producing over $134 billion annually, 4.8 million jobs, and returning $10.5 billion in taxes to the federal treasury.

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