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    May 13 2005 - Slaughter Expresses

    Slaughter Expresses ‘Deep Disappointment' over NFAB's Inclusion on the Military's Base Realignment and Closure List


    Washington, DC -  Congresswoman Louise Slaughter released the following statement upon learning this morning that the Niagara Falls Air Base has been included on the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) List by the U.S. Military:



    "We are all deeply disappointed with the military's decision. The Air Base is a vital part of the Niagara community. While, this is clearly a discouraging development, we should all remember that it is not the final verdict. My colleagues and I will continue to do everything possible to make certain that the BRAC Commission understands the important strategic value of the Niagara Falls Airbase to the military, our homeland security and the war on terror." 

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