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    March 23, 2005 - Slaughter Brings National Art Economic-Development Experts

    Slaughter Brings National Art Economic-Development Experts to Evaluate Rochester

    Experts to Make Recommendations for Rochester's Future


    Washington, DC - Rep. Slaughter has brought together national experts from the art world experienced in helping cities link their major arts institutions to provide a target destination for tourists and conventions, and to help build the local economy. 


    Rep. Slaughter has asked these experts to tour Rochester today and suggest ways the city can maximize its attractions for the benefit of tourists, local artists, the art-loving community, and small businesses that depend on the non-profit arts for success.


    Upon completing the tour, the group is planning to compile and release a recommendations report to Congresswoman Slaughter


    According to The Creative Industries Report, just released by Americans for the Arts, these art-centric businesses are "the high octane fuel that drives the 'information economy' -- the fastest growing segment of the nation's economy." 


    The report ranks Rep. Slaughter's 28th Congressional District as number 14th (out of 435) in the nation in terms of the number of total arts employees in 2005, and number 178th in the total number of arts businesses for this year.


    WHO:                 Rep. Louise Slaughter, Wendy Thompson from ArtSpace, Sandra Gibson from

                                Arts Presenters, Patrick Madden from Arts Presenters, Jim Dumas from Arts



    WHAT:               MEDIA AVAILABILITY


    WHEN:              TODAY AT 2:30 PM


    WHERE:            Rochester Business Alliance

                                150 State St, Rochester, NY 14614

                                4th Floor media room.


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