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    March 21, 2005 - Rep. Slaughter Announces Plans for New Demonstration Kitchen at Broadway Market

    Rep. Slaughter Announces Plans for New Demonstration Kitchen at Broadway Market


    Unveils New Conceptual Plan for Major Interior Changes including Atrium, Waterfalls, New Food Vender Displays and Wine Cellar



    Buffalo, NY. - U.S. Representative Louise Slaughter (D-NY28) today visited the Broadway Market, during the height of the Market's busiest shopping season, to announce details for design and construction of a new demonstration kitchen. The "demo" kitchen is one of the key components of a proposed interior design plan for the Broadway Market that was unveiled today to the public.


    "I am delighted to bring new details for a demonstration kitchen that will serve multiple functions and help in the Market's overall growth," said Rep. Slaughter. "It was just last Christmas when I visited the Market to present a check for federal funding to construct a demonstration/community kitchen. Now, at the height of the Easter season, I am here to announce work we have done to advance construction of the kitchen and unveil a plan to renovate the interior of the Market."


    "I am especially proud to have enlisted the services of the US Department of Agriculture, who assisted our Broadway Market stakeholders in creating a conceptual plan that we are unveiling today that will revitalize the Market, said Rep. Slaughter."


    The plan includes an atrium entrance to the Broadway Market and structural changes to create a bright, open atmosphere with a cohesive internal traffic flow. There is newly designed space for vendor booths, a food court, wine cellar and a large, open space that could serve as a venue for community gatherings and artistic performances. Some other visual ideas include waterfall displays, murals and increased seating.


    Errol Bragg, Associate Deputy Administrator for the US Department of Agriculture was joined by Fidel Delgado, Marketing Service Branch Architect, US Department of Agriculture, in unveiling the plan.


    Congresswoman Slaughter requested technical assistance from the Department of Agriculture and they provided support in developing the plan. Mr. Delgado was assisted by interior design students from Villa Maria College, under the direction of Professor Ed Smart. They generated their plan from information gathered at several meetings with Broadway Market stakeholders including members of the board, tenants, community, business and government leaders.


    "The demonstration kitchen was a key component in the overall design of the Market revitalization plan and one that will help us jumpstart the project," said Slaughter. "It can be used by food entrepreneurs who need extra space to make their products; as an educational kitchen to teach safe food preparation and product marketing; a catering facility or a food demonstration center featuring celebrity chefs and cooking classes," said Slaughter.


    "This is a very exciting plan that is part of revitalizing the Market," said Paul Cleary, President of the Broadway Market Board. "Congresswoman Slaughter continues to be an important leader in providing funds for various projects at the Market but her generosity has gone beyond funding. By engaging the US Department of Agriculture in our project, and inviting local college students to participate in each step of the process, she is broadening the base of participation and generating attention to one of the Nation's largest public markets." 


     "This is the time of year when thousands of people come to the Broadway Market to carry on family tradition and relive the Market's fabulous history," said Slaughter. "We need to build on the past and look to the future so the Broadway Market can be a destination place for a new generation." 

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