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    March 9, 2005 - Slaughter Announces $422,000 in Federal Funds for Niagara Falls Firefighter Safety..

    Slaughter Announces $422,000 in Federal Funds for Niagara Falls Firefighter Safety Equipment


    Washington, DC.  Congresswoman Slaughter is proud to announce that the City of Niagara will receive over$422,000 in federal funding to buy badly needed firefighting equipment which will improve operations and fire fighter safety.


    The Federal grant will provide resources for the City Niagara Falls as a part of the 2004 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG). The grant is designed to improve overall effectiveness of fire departments, improve firefighter health and safety and the expand fire prevention programs throughout the nation.


    This grant is part of a total of $750 Million in Federal funding for firefighter's assistance which was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. These awards are administered by the Department's Office for Domestic Preparedness in cooperation with the U.S. Fire Administration.


    "I would like to congratulate the Mayor, our hardworking fire fighters and all the people of Niagara Falls for winning this critical first responder funding for the Niagara Falls community. These grants are very competitive and will provide a much needed boost to our emergency response and homeland security resources in Niagara Falls," stated Congresswoman Slaughter.


    She continued, "As we all know, our brave firefighters are a critical part of our first line of defense against terrorist attacks. We ask them to put their lives on the line for us everyday, and we have a responsibility to ensure they have the equipment necessary to make their already dangerous jobs as safe as possible. This funding will help us accomplish that important goal."


    Grant recipient fire departments can visit the ODP website link for information (http://www.firegrantsupport.com/, http://www.usfa.fema.gov/fire-service/grants/afgp/grants.shtm) or call the toll free help line at: 866-274-0960.

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