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    Feb 28, 2005 -Rep. Slaughter Applauds Successful Fast Ferry Auction

    Rep. Slaughter Applauds Successful Fast Ferry Auction



    Washington, DC - Rep. Slaughter made the following statement after witnessing the successful auction of the Fast Ferry to the City of Rochester.


    "The spirits of all Rochestarians should be lifted today as the ‘Spirit of Ontario' and the Fast Ferry project were given new life this morning at Auction.


    I would like to congratulate the Ferry's proud new owner, the City of Rochester. The dream of restoring Fast Ferry service is almost a reality.  Today's sale will not only preserve the existing federal investment in the Port of Rochester, but will protect the many jobs we have worked hard to create, as well as the Ferry's  considerable economic development impact to the Rochester area.  But perhaps most importantly, it will restore public confidence in the viability of the Fast Ferry service."

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