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    Slaughter Secures $1.6 Million for RIT-Delphi Program
    Wednesday, 16 December 2009 18:09

    Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (NY-28), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Rules, announced $1.6 million for a joint program between the Rochester Institute of Technology and Delphi Automotive Systems that aims to apply fuel cell technology into Department of Defense power systems.

    Fuel cells can provide quiet, flexible, and fuel-efficient operation that makes them suitable for use in "stealth" vehicles or quiet portable power systems. RIT and Delphi’s work will aim to improve the fuel cell’s reliability, durability, and cost

    “I’m so pleased to provide funding for a productive partnership between RIT and Delphi,” said Slaughter. “The fuel cell sector is an emerging growth market that could generate an estimated $15 billion in revenue globally over the next ten years and the collaboration between RIT and Delphi has the potential to cement Rochester as a hub of knowledge-based jobs developing tomorrow’s energy solutions.”


    Why NY Small Businesses Can’t Afford to Wait on Health Care Reform
    Tuesday, 25 August 2009 08:43

    It’s often said that small businesses are the backbone of our economy.

    More importantly, small businesses are the heart and soul of the local community; they hire our friends and neighbors, they spend what they make right down the street and we feel their gains and their losses deeply and profoundly.

    Because of that, I was relieved to see that the health care reform legislation approved by three House committees last month included important provisions to help small businesses cope with the skyrocketing costs of offering insurance to their employees.

    November 20, 2008 - Congresswoman Slaughter Issues Statement on Auto Industry Aid
    Wednesday, 03 December 2008 10:58
    Slaughter Launches Iraq Debate
    Monday, 16 April 2007 00:15

    slaughter_floor2 February 13, 2007 - Slaughter Launches Iraq Debate

    On January 10, President Bush announced an escalation of the Iraq war that will put as many as 50,000 more of our men and women in harm's way.

    Large Headshot - Colored
    Wednesday, 05 July 2006 09:52
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