House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans

Featured Story

U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, ranking member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, has released an implementation timeline on ObamaCare. Click here for a copy.

Press Release

Yahoo!-Google Ad Deal Deserves Careful Look by Justice Dept., Barton Says

October 28, 2008

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Joe Barton has urged the Justice Department to take a close look at largely unexplored issues of privacy and pricing arising from the pending advertising partnership deal between Internet search goliaths Yahoo! and Google.


In a letter sent Tuesday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s ranking Republican member noted that Yahoo! has resisted congressional inquiries into the deal.  “Many of their responses seemed designed to obscure rather than clarify how the Google-Yahoo! partnership would work,” the Texan said. 


Citing seven and a half pages of redactions that were sent in response to requests for an eight-page document, Barton added that “it is unclear why Yahoo! feels such an acute need to hide its actions from the public.”



Click here for the Barton letter to Justice and related correspondence with Yahoo!.







U.S. Representative Joe Barton

U.S. Representative Joe L. Barton
Joe Barton was first elected to congress by the people of Texas' Sixth Congressional District in 1984. In 2004, he was selected by his House colleagues to be the chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce...
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