
July 29, 2010

On Eve Of Medicare Anniversary, Stabenow Joins Seniors Advocate To Highlight Democratic Efforts To Strengthen And Protect Medicare

Washington, DC— Democratic Steering Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow joined Barbara Kennelly of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare on a conference call this afternoon to discuss the steps Democrats have taken to protect and extend the life of Medicare.  Medicare turns 45 years old this week, and Democrats have fought to strengthen and protect the program since its inception – most recently by leading passage of new health care laws that will extend its solvency and close the prescription drug donut hole. Unfortunately, Republicans have tried to dismantle Medicare at every turn, threatening the future of this critical program.
"Since Medicare and Medicaid began, Senate Democrats have worked to strengthen these lifelines and have worked to fill the gaps in our health care system,” said Senator Stabenow.  “The Affordable Care Act improves both Medicare and Medicaid, including a provision I authored to make sure that Medicare recipients do not see health services they need reduced or eliminated from their coverage. My Democratic colleagues and I will continue fighting to protect and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid so that they can continue to provide health care to millions of Americans each year."
“Forty-five years later, the Medicare program has successfully touched millions of lives, not only through insuring the elderly for medical care but also by providing desperately needed coverage for Americans under age 65 who suffer from certain disabilities or chronic diseases,” said Barbara Kennelly of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.  “As a result of the 2010 health care reform, Medicare’s solvency was doubled and seniors began receiving additional help with their prescription drug costs and preventative health care services.  In spite of partisan attacks and private-market attempts at undermining or even eliminating the Medicare program, the achievement realized through the vision and determination of Presidents Truman, Kennedy and Johnson remains as relevant today as in 1965.”
For more on Democrats’ record of strengthening and protecting Medicare and Medicaid, see HERE for a fact sheet released by the Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) earlier today.


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Today in the Senate
December 1, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following any Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Republicans will control the first 30 minutes and the majority will control the next 30 minutes. 


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