
Highlights of the FY09 House Budget Resolution

March 11, 2008

Click here for the complete details, including charts.

Fiscal Responsibility

  • Reaches balance in 2012 and remains in balance in 2013 using realistic CBO estimates
  • Posts smaller deficits than the President's over the 5 years 2009 to 2013
  • Continues House emphasis on fiscal discipline by following pay-as-you-go rule
  • Includes program integrity funding to root out wasteful spending

Discretionary Funding

  • Increases veterans funding for 2009 by $3.6 billion (8 percent) above current services
  • Provides additional resources to address long-standing domestic priorities within a fiscally responsible framework, including increased funding for scientific innovation and energy initiatives, and education, training, and social services
  • Does not include proposed Administration cuts, including cuts to environmental protection, first responders, and LIHEAP
  • Funds defense, while targeting resources toward our most pressing security needs

Mandatory Programs

  • Accommodates the following initiatives:
    • expansion of children's health insurance coverage
    • reforms to improve Medicare for beneficiaries and protect access to care
    • enhancement of benefits for service members, veterans, and their families
    • reforms of the Higher Education Act to make college more affordable and accessible
  • Rejects Administration cuts to Medicare and Medicaid
  • Includes reconciliation instructions to the Ways and Means Committee


  • Provides for immediate and long-term AMT fix, consistent with pay-as-you-go
  • Provides for additional middle-class tax relief and enhanced economic equity through tax policies, consistent with pay-as-you-go
  • Includes reconciliation instructions to the Ways and Means Committee

Scope of the Budget Resolution

  • Establishes a framework to guide budgetary decisions for the year
  • Leaves specific spending, revenue initiatives, and offset decisions to authorizing and appropriations committees