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Press Release of Senator Lugar

Lugar Encourages Haitians to Vote

Expresses Concern on Lack of Progress in Reconstruction

Monday, November 29, 2010

Senator Richard G. Lugar, the Ranking Member on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced today that he dispatched Foreign Relations Committee senior professional staff members to Haiti as part of a Congressional delegation to monitor elections scheduled for November 28, 2010. Lugar also released the following statement:
“I encourage the people of Haiti to vote and participate in selecting their leaders - in what I hope will be free and transparent elections on November 28.
“The lack of progress in reconstruction, despite the millions that have gone into Haiti still remains of deep concern to me.  U.S. officials should ready themselves to work with the new Haitian administration to move decisively to address key impediments in Haiti’s reconstruction.  Among their priorities should be ensuring that a water security plan is implemented to combat the cholera outbreak, and addressing key political and business obstacles, which are threatening to make Haiti an even less attractive place for foreign investment.”