Mail Alert

Capitol Hill Mail and Package Processing Procedures:

Due to the treatment of all incoming mail to the U.S. Capitol buildings, mail may be delayed for several weeks before being delivered to my Washington, D.C. office. For quicker service, you can send me an e-mail, fax to my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-4381, or send mail to my Houston office at 1000 Memorial Drive Suite 620, Houston, TX 77024.

Responses to “Mail Alert”

  1. Kristofer Hoch says:

    Representative Culberson;

    Your ‘nay’ vote on the Health Reform Bill indicates to me that you no longer represent my interests as a constituent in the House of Representatives. I have sent multiple emails to your office on the subject. I’ve asked several times that when you speak of the bill, that you don’t misrepresent it. I have read the most of the bill, and found your description of it to be faulty. I do not want to represented by someone who votes against bills that help me and my family.

    Since I cannot trust you to be honest and to work with the representatives from other states, you have lost my vote. My wife has also indicated to me that you have lost her vote.

    Good Day, Sir

    Kristofer Hoch
    Texas District 7, Constituent

  2. Cindy Dobias-Mlcak says:

    Congressman Culberson,

    I relaize you are my congreman and have been for several years. With the exception of e-mail you have no contact with me or I would guess 99% of your constituants. I would like to see a questionnaire or poll of our interests sent through the mail a minimum of once a year to actually give you an idea of what ALL of your constituants want Congress to accomplish and what WE AS CITIZENS think is important. At the moment you are only hearing from the people on action committees and those with money to donate. Don’t forget that the other 99% you do not bother to seek an opinion from do VOTE and can VOTE. You might contact Dwayne Bohach who is a Texas Representative in Houston for a fact finding mission on what he does to find out the true pulse of his constituants. At least he tries to communicate and find out what we really want our elected officials to do. AS for the issues that deadlock congress, like IMMIGRATION AND HEALTH CARE, if the elected officials cannot make up their mind, put it to a vote of the people in an off year election and let the decision be made once and for all. It would bring closure to a lot of bickering and let the nation move forward. Thank you for your time.

  3. Jeff Elkin says:

    misspelled naive didn’t I…..

  4. Jeff Elkin says:

    John – Waxman must be stopped. The supremely nieve gent from the land of fruits and nuts must be muzzled. Waxman is not qualified to hold hearings on hydraulic fracture stimulation. He is simply not qualified.

    On behalf of your energy industry constiutents, please shut the man down.

    Jeff Elkin

  5. Connie cummins says:

    I would love to get e-mail updates from the Congressman.

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