PeteKing Daily News: Help The Heroes: Congress Owes Sick WTC Responders A 9/11 Health Bill

Help the heroes: Congress owes sick WTC responders a 9/11 health bill

Daily News
August 16, 2010

Erstwhile combatants Reps. Anthony Weiner and Pete King are joining in common cause with the rest of the New York congressional delegation in a renewed push for passage of the 9/11 health and compensation bill. Three
cheers for sweetness and light - and success.
The measure has enormous support in the House, as was shown when Democrats forced a vote under a procedure that required a two-thirds majority. It went down in rancor, 255 to 159.

Weiner and Rep. Carolyn Maloney must revive the legislation in September for a standard vote. King, a Republican, will have to dissuade GOP leaders from attaching toxic amendments.

Meanwhile, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to bring up the bill for a vote. She and Sen. Chuck Schumer must get Reid to sign on, then get it passed in a chamber where Democrats hold the slimmest of margins.

Let's get it done soonest, easing the hearts of responders who live in every state and nearly every congressional district in the country. Many of them are wrestling with accepting a settlement of 9/11 lawsuits. Congress must help them - and then President Obama must make it official.