Ken Calvert

Press Articles

Contact: Rebecca Rudman 202-225-1986

Cast Your Vote on What to Cut!

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Washington, Thursday, May 20, 2010 - Click here to participate in House Republican's efforts to cut spending! 

Last week, House Republicans unveiled an innovative program called YouCut, which allows you to choose which government programs you’d like to have cut out through online voting and text messaging. Since YouCut was launched, more than 280,000 votes were cast, with 99 percent of the votes coming from outside Washington’s beltway.

The first program that people voted to eliminate was the remaining funds of a program that actually rewards states for expanding the size of their welfare caseloads. Republicans will offer a measure on the House Floor today to cut $2.5 billion in expanded welfare.

The American people have spoken, and more deficit spending is not the answer. Rep. Calvert wants to know what unnecessary spending items YOU would cut. Visit today and cast your vote.

Be assured that Rep. Calvert will keep fighting for fiscal sanity by supporting enforceable deficit control measures, restraints on entitlement spending growth, and mechanisms to combat the waste, fraud, and abuse.

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