Protecting Marriage in DC

                Put DC Families First!

The family is the foundational institution of our nation and marriage is its cornerstone.  Traditional marriage between a man and a woman has been accepted in cultures across the world for centuries and is now under assault as never before.  Recently, the Iowa Supreme Court struck down a state-law banning same-sex marriage, stating it was in violation of the state’s Constitution and in essence, making the practice legal.  Also, in our nation’s capital, the DC City Council and Mayor Fenty passed a measure that recognizes same sex marriages from other jurisdictions.  This legislation would prevent any city action that would redefine marriage. 


This political and social question, that should be resolved at the ballot box, is being imposed by a handful of liberal elites.  A decision must be made as to if we are going to continue to allow liberal activist to determine the law of the land, or should the American people and their elected representatives make these decisions - as the Constitution sets forth.

In response to these actions, the following Representatives have come forth with legislation defending traditional marriage:

H.R. 2608 - The DC Defense of Marriage Act


Congressman Jim Jordan (OH-04) has introduced H.R. 2608 – The District of Columbia Defense of Marriage Act.  This legislation defines marriage for all legal purposes in the District of Columbia to consist of the union of one man and one woman.  DC officials have a right to run their own city under home rule, but they do not have the right to redefine marriage, which when done in our nation’s capital, has implications for the rest of the country.


H.R. 2608 has received bi-partisan co-sponsorship from 53 Members of Congress.  Also supporting this legislation is local Bishop Harry Jackson, as well as other religious and community leaders from across the District.  This bill defends what a majority of District residents—like a majority of Americans—believe, that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Supporting Organizations: 
Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Concerned Women for America, and Eagle Forum.

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H.J. Res. 50 - The Marriage Protection Amendment

Also at the forefront of combating the threat on traditional marriage is Congressman Paul C. Broun, M.D. (GA-10).  Congressman Broun has introduced H.J. Res. 50 - The Marriage Protection Amendment.  This resolution of disapproval states:


“Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.” 


H.J. Res. 50 has also received bi-partisan co-sponsorship.  Currently this legislation has been co-sponsored by 38 Members of Congress. 

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H.J. Res. 54 - Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Jury and Marriage Amendment Act of 2009.


Congressman Broun has also introduced H.J. Res. 54 - Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Jury and Marriage Amendment Act of 2009.  This resolution of disapproval states:


"That the Congress disapproves of the action of the District of Columbia Council described as follows: The Jury and Marriage Amendment Act of 2009 (D.C. Act 18-70), approved by the District of Columbia Council on May 6, 2009, and transmitted to Congress pursuant to section 602(c) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act on May 11, 2009."


H.J. Res 54 has received co-sponsorship from 37 Members of Congress.

It is important to note that whether or not these bills come to the House floor is completely in the hands of Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat majority.