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HomeIssuesReducing Deficits and Cutting Spending

Reducing Deficits and Cutting Spending

Senator Dorgan has fought to get the federal government's fiscal house in order by rooting out unnecessary spending, cutting the federal budget deficit and reducing the national debt.

Dorgan has worked across party lines to cut government spending, and he's not afraid to take on the big federal agencies that are spending more than they should. Whether he's joining with Republican Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) to save billions of dollars by reducing unnecessary administrative costs in federal agencies, or teaming with Democratic Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) to expose absurd or costly government spending, Senator Dorgan uses his North Dakota common sense to be a voice for taxpayers and fiscal responsibility.

Dorgan has pushed to cut wasteful programs, like unlimited farm payments going to people that don't farm and ending a private tax collector program that actually cost more than it collected. His deficit reduction bill, which among other things would close the loopholes that allow corporations to set up tax havens to avoid paying their fair share of taxes, would save taxpayers more than $200 billion over the next five years alone.

Senator Dorgan believes it defies logic to spend borrowed money on programs that don't work. Passing trillions of dollars of debt on to the next generations is unacceptable, and Dorgan will continue his work to cut unnecessary government spending and reduce our budget deficits.