Women Veterans

Women Veterans

Women Veterans

Since the Revolutionary War, women have played a vital role in the defense of our country and House Committee Republicans salute their heroic service. Today, 8% of all veterans are women. This number will continue to rise as more and more women pursue military service and House Committee Republicans are committed to ensuring that VA benefits and services are available to meet the needs of this unique population.


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) operates a comprehensive health care system to meet the various healthcare needs of all American veterans, including specialized services to address the gender-specific physical and mental health of women veterans. Each VA Medical Center employs a Women Veterans Program Manager to address issues specific to the care needs of female veterans. For more information about the healthcare programs and services available to women veterans through VA, please visit http://www.publichealth.va.gov/womenshealth/ or contact your local VA facility.


In addition to healthcare, a variety of Federal benefits are available to veterans of either gender regarding such varied issues as education, employment, compensation and pension, home loans, life insurance, and more. For more information about which VA benefits may available to female veterans, please refer to http://www1.va.gov/opa/publications/benefits_book.asp or contact your local VA Regional Office and ask to speak with the Women Veterans Coordinator.

Other Resources



The House Committee on Veterans' Affairs is not responsible for any material on outside Web sites.

Postage Stamps Honoring Women Veterans

1997 stamp

1997 Stamp

1997 stamp

Jacqueline Cochran, Pioneer Pilot

1952 stamp

1952 Stamp