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WSJ: Reid, McConnell stay in Senate top party posts

November 16, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Senate's top Democrats and Republicans will keep their positions following leadership elections Tuesday as Congress convened for a lame-duck session.

Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., will continue as majority leader and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., will stay on as minority leader in the new Congress next year. The Republicans picked up six Senate seats in the midterm elections, reducing the Democratic majority.

Surrounded by his leadership team, Reid told reporters: "It's not the Democratic way or the highway. It's not the Republican way or the highway. But the American people want us to do something about the staggering economy. The American people want us to work together. That's our goal."

McConnell said the GOP would work to "cut spending, get private sector job creation going."

Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin continues as assistant majority leader, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York stays on as vice chairman of the Democratic conference and Sen. Patty Murray of Washington remains conference secretary.

On the Republican side, Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona remains GOP whip, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee continues as Republican Conference chairman and Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming stays on as conference vice chairman.

—Copyright 2010 Associated Press


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