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Health Care

Without a doubt, the health care system in this country is broken.  Families across the country struggle to make ends meet, and as they do too many are living with the challenge of obtaining affordable health care for themselves.  Any time a child or a parent goes without the care they need, it is a crisis for that family. We need to stop looking at health care as an economic or national issue and restore the humanity to health care.  We need to focus more on people and less on the system.

I want to make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American without jeopardizing quality, individual choice or personalized care.  We must have health care reform that puts patients and their health first and protects the crucial doctor – patient relationship.

Some are pushing for a government takeover of health care that would have devastating consequences for families and small businesses.  A government takeover of health care will raise taxes, ration care and let government bureaucrats make decisions that should be made by families and their doctors.  The bottom line is government run health care will result in delayed and potentially even denied treatment, procedures or medications.  Waiting to buy a car or a house won’t kill you.  But waiting for the health care you need could.  By delaying care we are denying care.

We need targeted reform with measurable results that improves patient care, not a radical restructuring of our health care system written by lobbyists.  With a greater focus on preventing waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement, and by promoting greater access to information, prevention and wellness for all Americans – we can do it. 

Now is not the time to play politics with health care.  Now is the time for everyone to work together to achieve what matters most:  more affordable, more accessible, more individualized and personalized health care.  Simply put, a government that can’t even run a company should not be running our health care.

I hope President Obama will commit to the principle that doctors and patients should be making health care decisions, not Washington bureaucracy and that reform must be patient centered, not government controlled health care.   In turn, I’ll commit to working with him on his stated goals of increasing efficiency and lowering health care costs for all.