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Government Accountability

Those of us living in Illinois know how important it is to ensure that the American people have a say in determining who represents them in the United States Senate.    Our state has seen the process of hand picking a Senator dragged through the mud and almost sold off to the highest bidder.  Such a process is unacceptable – it should be of the highest integrity, as well as open and honest.

To remedy this situation, I introduced H.R. 899, the Ethical and Legal Elections for Congressional Transitions (ELECT) Act.   The ELECT Act requires that within 90 days of a vacancy in the United States Senate, a special election occurs.

 This is a non-partisan, good-government bill to ensure the voice of the American people, instilled to them by the Constitution, is heard when choosing those who will represent them.  As the Washington Post stated while editorializing on my bill, “The people of Illinois -- and New York, Colorado and Delaware, the other states that faced vacancies this year -- should be able to vote for those who would represent them in Washington. If their governors and state legislatures aren't willing to give them that power, Congress should find a way to do it.”  I couldn’t agree more.

Another important accountability issue is government transparency.  Taxpayers deserve no less than complete disclosure.  I’ve continually advocated using internet resources to provide up-to-date information to the American people.   During consideration of H.R. 384, the TARP Reform and Accountability Act, I successfully offered an amendment to establish a user-friendly website so Americans can see exactly where the bailout funds are being spent.

This website will clearly display who is using the money, for what purposes and how the dollars will ultimately cycle back into the pockets of Americans. This website will be easily searchable and contain information on both specific payments and the aggregate amounts received by each receiving entity.  This amendment is about accurate accounting, openness, fair government, transparency and hopefully one day balancing our nation’s budget. I look forward to the U.S. Senate taking action on this proposal soon.  

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