About Jim

As South Carolina’s 55th Senator, I would like to thank you for visiting my website.

To e-mail me on issues of concern, please use my contact form or click on "Contact Information" from the menu option on the top of this website.

My office accepts intern applications year round. If you are interested in an internship in my office, please visit the Intern Information page.

Every year, my office accepts applications for the U.S. Service Academies - Naval, Air Force and Military. Eligible candidates must be at least 17 years old but not have passed their 23rd birthday. The postmark deadline for applications can be found on the Academy Nomination page. Please contact my Charleston office at 843-727-4525 to request an application.

Thank you for your support and I proudly look forward to serving the great state of South Carolina in the U.S. Senate throughout my six-year term in office.