Veterans PDF Print

Our veterans have made a great sacrifice in their service to our country.  They deserve the best healthcare and highest quality services that our nation can provide.  For too long, however, veterans have been last in line in Washington.


1 While the 110th Congress did make a down payment on positive change for our nation's veterans - putting in the largest increase in veterans spending in the history of the Veterans' Administration (VA) and placing a focus on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury - Congress still has much work to do.

Rep. Teague meets with the Carlsbad Honor Guard to discuss veteran's issues

That's why since coming to Congress, Harry pursued and secured a spot on the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, subsequently receiving key assignments to the Health and Economic Opportunity Subcommittees.  From that position, Harry will fight for New Mexico veterans by pursuing full and on-time funding for the VA, more resources for the Veterans' Medical Administration, and access solutions for veterans living in rural areas.

Harry will also work to provide increased accountability over VA services for veterans.  Already, when New Mexico veterans receiving care at William Beaumont Army Medical Center were put at risk by unsafe medical practices, Harry stepped in to bring light to the occurrence and ask the tough questions.  Now, two investigations into what happened are ongoing.

In addition to fighting for veterans in Congress, Harry offers services to New Mexico veterans through his New Mexico district offices.  If you are a veteran and are having trouble receiving care or accessing services, please visit the Veterans Resource Page on my website or contact the Harry Helpline at 1-888-9-TEAGUE.

Click here to read an Opinion Editorial I wrote on the importance of providing advanced appropriations to Veterans Affairs.

Click here to review Harry Teague’s accomplishments for our veterans.


Click here to read Harry Teague’s Veterans Bill of Rights.



