Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration

The first step to curbing illegal immigration in the United States is to enforce the laws that already exist.  It is estimated that illegal immigrants cost the American taxpayers nearly $100 billion a year in education, health care, and law enforcement.  If amnesty for illegal immigrants is enacted it could cost taxpayers $2 trillion and higher.  I am strongly opposed to amnesty for illegal immigrants and do not believe it is in the best interest of our country. 

Employers need effective tools to determine if a worker is in our country legally and eligible for work.  Those businesses that knowingly break the law should be fined.  Border security must be increased.  A fence or other physical barrier should be a priority for the safety of our country.  English should be the official language of the United States.  Learning English is a key to success in this nation, and few countries have positive results when they share multiple languages.  Our country needs a practical seasonal guest worker program.  A documented guest worker program can benefit our economy and should be made as simple as possible so as not to be onerous to employers.