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Kucinich Credits Kraft/Taco Bell Recall; Questions FDA's Oversight Failure; Asks for Inspection of Corn Products

Washington, Sep 22 -

U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today applauded Kraft Foods for quickly testing Taco Bell brand taco shells for contaminated corn and ordering a recall. The product recalled contained a potentially allergenic corn not approved for human consumption. The positive tests compelled Kraft to institute an immediate nationwide recall. Kraft's actions followed a release of a similar findings earlier this week by food safety advocated who were joined by Rep. Kucinich in asking for a recall.

"Why didn't FDA act immediately upon learning Monday that the contaminated food was on grocery shelves across America? Why has the FDA failed to respond? Even the food manufacturer has now admitted that the product should not be on the market. I am calling on the FDA to step up to its responsibility to the American people to determine whether or not other products are contaminated by this genetically engineered corn," Rep. Kucinich said.

Rep. Kucinich and fifteen other Members of Congress sent a letter yesterday to the FDA asking for prompt action to protect consumers from the contaminated corn product.

The potential allergenic property in the corn product being recalled is the result of a protein genetically inserted into StarLink corn made by Aventis. The Environmental Protection Agency has only approved this corn for animal feed only, subject to Aventis taking steps to ensure the product did not end up in the human food.

Rep. Kucinich is the author of legislation which requires the labeling of genetically engineered food and safety testing of all genetically engineered foods.