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Representing Indiana's 9th Congressional District
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Flag Requests

Constituents of Indiana’s 9th Congressional District are able to request and purchase flags that have been flown over the United States Capitol through my congressional office. For requests that a flag be flow on a particular day, please make sure you send your flag form and check at least a month in advance to allow for processing time.

Below is an order form and price list to use if you would like to request a flag.

*If you are ordering more than 5 flags, please contact my Washington office to assist with this process.

If you have questions, please call my Washington, DC office at (202) 225-5315, and request to speak to the staff person handling flag requests.


The next address is where the order will be sent. This information must be filled in.
To copy the purchaser's information into the fields below, click the following checkbox:



Representing Indiana's 9th Congressional District