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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Help with Federal Agencies

One of the most important things I do as a U.S. Representative is help people with federal problems. I have created this section of the website to help residents of Kentucky's Fourth District find answers to the questions they may have about everything from Medicare and Social Security to federal housing assistance and consumer issues. 

Additionally, this section of my website can help put you in touch with important community assistance programs, and also assist you in finding the right people to talk to when you are dealing with a State or local problem. 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my Fort Mitchell office at (859) 426-0080.


Online Answers to your Questions

Have a problem with a federal agency? My office is available to assist you with problems you may have with the federal government. From Social Security and Medicare to Passports and the Veterans Affairs Department, we want to help you cut through the bureaucratic red tape.  Click here to find out what kinds of issues and agencies we may be able to help you with.


List of Federal Agency Websites

The answer to your question may already be easily available on a federal agency website.  Click here to view a partial list of federal agency websites and the information you can find on each website. Information about other government agencies is available here.


State and Local Government Offices and Resources

As your Representative in Congress, I am only able to offer assistance with federal issues and agencies.  In order to help you find the assistance you need, I have compiled information about important State and local government offices and programs.


Community-Based Organizations and Service Providers

There are many community-based organizations that may be able to assist you. These organizations are not government agencies, but they do exist to serve citizens in a variety of ways. For a list of some of the community-based organizations serving residents of Kentucky's Fourth District, click here.