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Congressman James E. Clyburn

Contact Our Field Offices

Washington Field Office

Welcome to the Florence Field Office. Please feel free to contact with your questions, comments, or concerns.

Our office hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. In addition, Congressman Clyburn also has regular monthly office hours in field offices throughout the 6th district. Please see >>Calendar<< for dates in your area.

Sixth Congressional District residents can reach my district office toll free by calling
1-888-JIM-0006 (1-888-546-0006).


Yelberton Watkins
- Chief of Staff
Danny Cromer - Legislative Director
Barvetta Singletary - Deputy Chief of Staff/Appropriations Coordinator
Acacia Salatti - Legislative Assistant
Jennie Chaplin - Director of Scheduling