

On January 27, 2009, one day before the scheduled vote on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (HR1 , also known as the Pelosi-Reid Plan) President Obama came to Capitol Hill and spent only one hour with the House GOP members.  During this time I had an opportunity to voice my concerns to our new president about the effectiveness of HR 1.

I am terribly concerned that we do not repeat the mistakes of our past and the ones which also caused a decade long recession in Japan.  New and expanded government was not the solution then and it is not the solution now. 

I encourage you to read the papers posted to this page to help you better understand the proposals before Congress as well as various other papers on our current economic downturn.

Currently, I am a co-sponsor of HR 470, the Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Tax Relief Act of 2009 as well an original co-sponsor of HR 143, Tax Holiday Bill, which would suspend income tax and FICA tax collections for two month.