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July 27, 2010

Bennett Slams DISCLOSE Act on Senate Floor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah), spoke out today on the Senate floor against the DISCLOSE Act, a bill that would impose new regulations on those wishing to exercise their rights to engage in political speech.

“The DISCLOSE Act does not disclose its true purpose and is filled with prohibitions and violations of the First Amendment,” said Bennett, the ranking member of the Senate Rules Committee. “This bill goes against corporations and their right of free speech and does its very best to see to it that the restrictions do not apply to unions. This is not a disclose act. This is an act aimed at prohibiting expenditures by certain people and certain groups. I am pleased my colleagues recognized that our democracy would be strengthened by casting aside this bill. It should not see the light of day again.”

Click here to watch Bennett’s entire floor speech.

Bennett voted against today’s cloture vote on the DISCLOSE Act. The failure to invoke cloture blocked the bill from going forward in the Senate. The bill passed the United States House of Representatives last month.

The bill would have imposed new restrictions and regulations on groups engaged in political speech. It sought to prohibit a wide range of corporations from exercising free speech rights without applying the same restrictions to unions. The DISCLOSE Act (Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections) was drafted by Democrats in reaction to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC ruling made earlier this year.

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