Press Releases

Van Hollen Statement on Final Passage of the Health Care Reconciliation Bill

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Washington, Mar 25, 2010 -

“Last night, we brought this exhaustive, year-long process to bring quality, affordable, and accessible health care for all Americans to a close.  The new health reform law will bring down health care costs for American families and small businesses, expand health coverage to an additional 32 million Americans, and end the abusive practices of insurance companies.  

“By the end of this year, children with pre-existing conditions will no longer be denied coverage, health plans will be prohibited from placing lifetime caps on coverage, young people will be able to remain on their parents’ health insurance policies up to their 26th birthday, small businesses will get tax credits so that they can provide affordable health coverage to their employees, and seniors will get help in paying for their high prescription drug costs.  

“In passing the reconciliation bill, we have strengthened the new health care reform law and finally got the job done on a very important issue that so many people have been fighting for over so many decades.”  

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