Press Releases

Van Hollen Statement on Nyi Nyi Aung’s Release

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Rockville, M.D., Mar 18, 2010 -

Today Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) issued the following statement on the release of Nyi Nyi Aung, a Burmese American citizen and Eighth District constituent who was being held as a political prisoner in Burma:

 “I am pleased that the Burmese government has released political prisoner Nyi Nyi Aung, a Burmese-born American democracy activist and constituent of mine. His imprisonment, trial, and sentencing were a travesty and an affront to the rule of law. 

“Working together as members of Congress, and with the active and steady engagement of the Obama Administration, we were able to secure his release. I also want to recognize the critical role that Nyi Nyi’s fiancée, Wa Wa Kyaw, and Jared Gensler and his team at Freedom Now played in this successful outcome.  Their steadfast and effective advocacy focused attention on this miscarriage of justice.  

“While I am pleased Nyi Nyi Aung has been set free, we must continue to press for the release of all political prisoners held by the Burmese junta.”

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